Please, visit Canons 2, 3, 4, of the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. The President of the United States being a great lawyer is well-aware of the judicial codes. The USSC, I assure you will take care of that matter is the comments of almost everyone wround the world. I SEEK VARIOUS AMICI for THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT REVIEWS. I was told that I own property in an area that HISTORICALLY has been RACIALLY SEGREGATED. That destroyed me mentally.

Now comes
petitioner Sony Roy in this second supplemental motion with additional
information strongly supporting the cert-worthiness of this petition and the
this racially offensive bombshell I SPOTTED AND REPORTED TO THE
AUTHORITIES. During this motion, the
words RACIALLY OFFENSIVE BOMBSHELL and R.O.B. will be used
interchangeably. The attempt to pierce
the 1964 CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF CONGRESS to the detriment of U.S. Citizens, is an
affront too big to skip. The issue at
hand is not who said it? But what was
said? When someone crosses over the 1964
CIVIL RIGHTS ACT and embrace JIM CROW ZOMBIES and LAWS, to scare and frighten
American Citizens, that becomes discretionary abuses and such makes review more
compelling and more warranted. THIS RACIALLY OFFENSIVE BOMBSHELL (R.O.B.) as I
call it, will not go away by itself for it is fiercely approaching the USSC as
a F.A.L.C.O.N. that seeks permanent residency and presidency over the vested
powers of the USSC. Dear Mr. Chief
Justice and Associate Justices, this is
coming against your HIGH COURT, strike this BOMBSHELL down at once.
Addition in support of this petition is
The United
States Courts Websites states thus: “American
law is based on the principle of precedent, meaning that if a court has already
ruled on a given legal issue and another case arises with the same legal issue,
the holding in the previous case will be applied to the new case. The use of
precedents helps to promote stability in the legal system, as all parties are
given notice as to the current state of the law. Adhering to the use of
precedent is also known as the doctrine of stare decisis (Latin: "it
stands decided"). Dear Justices, this RACIALLY OFFENSIVE
And here it is “The Roys own property in an area that HISTORICALLY has
BOMBSHELL is fast approaching from the South to assert a PRECEDENT that has
been unprecedented since the passage of the 1964 CIVIL RIGHTS ACT. It is approaching to R.O.B. the USSC of its
austerity and disparage the John Robert’s court of its legacy-forming as a
vehement defender of human rights and opposing racial discrimination in
compliance to the U.N. resolutions. I
SPOTTED IT AND REPORTED IT PROPERLY and I am calling on the vested powers of
the United States Supreme Court to stop this F.A.L.C.O.N. like BOMBSHELL as it
approaches the United States' HIGHEST COURT.
I beseech you to pound on this issue until all parties become aware of
the Security threat and begin to work together to eliminate it. I seek to support the cert-worthiness of my
petition as I am bringing unsettled questions of federal Constitutional law and
issues of general interest to the table to assist the HIGH COURT.
a) Those who purported this RACIALLY
OFFENSIVE BOMBSHELL well-camouflaged sought a PRECEDENT with longevity as is
the goal of all PRECEDENTS. Such was
designed to attack the bullet proof vest of the 1964 CIVIL RIGHTS ACT and
overcome it in time, upon strong belief.
b) Those who advanced the statements wished
to turn back the clock of progress on America and thus turn the Legislative
Act on its head.
Remark how stealth and creepy this RACIALLY OFFENSIVE BOMBSHELL IS
APPROACHING. It is coming under the
Haitian nationality, (the poorest country on the Western Hemisphere) and the
color code black is the most discriminated against in this country. Dear Justices, please save our nation.
d) R.O.B. comes to blind even the best
judicial minds who under arms-locking in my view joined in a racial cabal or
plot in progress to call R.O.B. FRIVOLUS as they all did.
e) Just imagine all the courts in the U.S.
using these words as the new PRECEDENT upon the viral nature of R.O.B. and the
wide spreading of a U.S. PRECEDENT before the free world.
Thank God I wish
to assist this HIGH COURT as I do my civic duties. In my view, the John Robert Court will go
down in history as the strongest fighter for human rights and against racial
segregation with such Iconic justices as the Hispanic Justice Sotomayor and the
illustrious Justice Stephen Breyer.
While this case is not a Class Action Suit, yet it impacts directly the
NATIONAL SECURITY and the state and Government Interests and all people in our
land. Therefore, I sought to PROTECT
AMERICA. Now in such a case as this, where an African American, native of Haiti
(the poorest Country on the Western Hemisphere) has lost tangible properties in
damages and collateral damages appraised at well over 15,3 Million dollars,
through five undisputed foreclosures and one Chapter 7 Bankruptcy However, the
loss of affection with my 33 years espouse, with five hospitalizations for
blood pressure and one where the pressure rose up to 209/119 among the many
readings, yet despite all these, I continued to fulfill my civic duty
faithfully until I could come before you and expose this RACIALLY INOFFENSIVE
BOMBSHELL. This issue is not too young
to percolate around and test the ground America is against Racial segregation. Should review be granted, the John Robert's court
will be known down in history as one of or the greatest defender of human
rights and a defender of the dignity of every race. I nearly lost my life as those who
perpetrate such a villain act on American Soil disregarded my life even to the
point of death as they were warned by my attending physician that long exposure
to High Blood Pressure could lead to Brain edema or hemorrhage and possible
ACUTE KIDNEY FAILURE AND CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE. (Undisputed OFFER OF PROOF) If I am standing still now, it is only by the
grace of God. For I understand that God
has favored me with a unique opportunity to serve Him, my Country and my
community. And, as I said in my
petition, the real strength of any leader is not in hiding flaws, deficiencies
and violations of law regardless of who commits them
Therefore, Now,
I call on the powers vested in the United states Supreme Court to hasten the
disappearance of such OFFENSIVE BOMBSHELL in all courts’ records by reversing
those orders and proceeding with serious judicial corrective actions, for the
FREE WORLD is looking on even now. May
God Continue to bless the John Robert’s Court and all nine Justices who are
fighting to keep the Judicial Conscience of America